Soft Magnetic Composites – Magnets (SMC)

Soft Magnetic Composites – Magnets (SMC)

Features at glance

Novel soft magnetic composite materials (SMC) as a replacement for laminated cores. The development of soft magnetic composite materials (SMC) has a series of advantages in addition to their unique magnetic properties.
The combination of flexible part design with the possibilities of pure shaping gives magnetic flux conductors' designers an entirely new dimension. By using isotropic SMC materials, one avoids the limitations associated with two-dimensional electrical steel.
SMC materials are composed of metal powder particles with an electrically insulating surface. The powder, along with a lubricant and/or a binder, is pressed to form an isotropic material. Subsequent heat treatment relaxes the material and develops the strength of the material, while maintaining the insulating layer around each particle. The insulating layer isolates eddy currents from movements between the particles when the material is subjected to a changing magnetic field, reducing the reaction time.
In addition to the well-known application of SMC materials in metal powder cores, the future for soft magnetic materials lies in the field of electric motors. The Somaloy® material forms the basis for the SMC components used in electric motors. Each Somaloy® material is available as a ready-to-press mixture, tailored for specific purposes and considering the motor environment – such as operating frequency and flux density. The key to success lies in the redesign of the magnetic circuit and the use of the unique shaping possibilities that SMC technology can offer.
Somaloy is a registered trademark of Höganäs AB, Sweden.
The iron core material Somalo
  • Soft magnetic material
  • Composed of high-purity iron powder
  • High intrinsic saturation
  • Each grain has an electrically insulated surface
  • Compact design
  • Copper wire savings
  • Cost-effective magnets
  • Simplified winding process
  • High torque density
  • Gearless construction
  • Reduction of the number of components
  • Simplified assembly
  • Efficient use of magnets
  • Brushless DC motors
  • DC brushed motors
  • Linear motors
  • Transverse flux motors
  • Pole-switchable motors
  • Universal motors


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